Thursday, July 17, 2008


Press release for Crystal Portal Conference:

Contact Information:
Lauri Cloud (888) 769-8967
8174 S. Las Vegas Blvd. Ste 109-154, Las Vegas, NV 89123

World Wide Harmony is only a Dimension away!

WorldWideHarmony™ presents the CRYSTAL PORTAL CONFERENCE, An Activation from the 6th Dimension on September 27, 2008 from 9 a.m.-6:30 p.m. at Cashman Center Theatre, 850 Las Vegas Blvd. N. (corner of Las Vegas Blvd. N. and Washington Ave.). Registration begins at only $79. To register go to

It is our reality to be the first civilization on this planet to manifest Global Harmony, to be accomplished by 12-21-2012. A major shift to the 4th Dimension is happening and the CRYSTAL PORTAL CONFERENCE is the hyper-gate!

The 4th Dimension will represent the individual experience of knowing ourselves as master creators, supported by unlimited resources within a framework of continuous time. The purpose of the Crystal Portal Conference is two-fold: 1) Once the Crystal Portal is in place it will begin to transmute and transform the 3rd Dimension energies into a 4th Dimension resonation. All inhabitants within the region of the Crystal Portal will begin to shift into a more loving and heart based interaction with themselves, each other and particularly in business and governmental practices. 2) As more Conferences are created, the Crystal Portals begin to connect. This connection is will assist the Planet Earth herself in moving into the 4th Dimension, gently and effortlessly, therefore, eliminating most of the predicted and predetermined catastrophic disasters that we are now beginning to experience.

Through Vibrational Tones, Intuitive Guidance, Purposeful Intent and Awakened Presenters we will establish an opening for the 6th Dimension Crystal Portal Harmonic Energy to secure itself into the Earth resulting in a loving and gentle transformation, regionally and globally, to World Wide Harmony by 12-21-2012!

All presenters are local residents of Las Vegas in order to allow the participants to know that they will be continually supported by the Conference beyond September 27th. Each presenter offers a unique modality to facilitate an experiential event as the participant joins the creation of the amazing energy opening from the 3rd to the 6th Dimension.

The Activation from the 6th Dimension as the Crystal Portal moves through the opened Dimensions is indescribable. You will come away from the Crystal Portal Conference with an awareness of purpose and an awakening to our amazing Global shift. It is a life altering event! This activation will happen only ONCE on the western coast of the United States….You will want to BE THERE.

For registration and information go to:

Sunday, April 6, 2008



Mission Statement;
Create WorldWideHarmony™ by 12-21-2012. We are guided to assist the planet’s transition into a higher-lighter energetic vibration pattern; the 4th Dimension. In order to accomplish our mission, the following are our goals:

Manifest a multi-layered web of LIGHT, LOVE, PEACE and HARMONY to be woven around the world creating an energetic fabric facilitating the effortless vibrational shift of the entire World into the 4th Dimension.

Create Crystal Portal Conferences to be held worldwide. The purpose of these Conferences is to assist the inhabitants of each city to align with the energy of the 4th Dimension and to open a channel of LIGHT into the 6th Dimension for the purpose of manifesting a Crystal Portal to be seated firmly into the planet. As we expand this process from city to city, each Crystal Portal will interlock thus facilitating ‘THE’ vibrational shift of the entire World!

Action Steps:
1. Creation of Crystal Portal Conferences throughout the World.
a. First Conference will be held in Las Vegas, NV Sept. 27, 2008

2) Establish a network of light weavers, spiritual healers and leaders

3) Distribute the CD, Vibrational Tone Attunement, Expand into the 4th Dimension

4) Gather the core group of 50 individuals that have signed the Cosmic Agreement to create WorldWideHarmony™.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Hi everyone,
What an amazing experience I had as a vendor at the UFO Convention in Laughlin, NV last week. It was a very scientific affair and I am pleased to tell you that science NOW substantiates that we are heading for a wonderful adventure.

The energy was positive and cheerful and in my neck of the convention hall, miracles were happening. Many of the people that came to my booth to experience the Vibrational Tone Attunement CD left with physical healings. The stories are beyond belief!

Although, I don't "see" energy, I do feel it....and last week many of our guides assisting us in this incredible transformation from the 3rd Dimension into the 4th Dimension were present. I found myself often apologizing when I bumped into someone, only to one was there!

We are not alone in this transition....we are being guided by loving intent as we make our way along the path to WorldWideHarmony by 2012. The information that is coming our way to assist us is simply beyond belief. We are moving so fast through the old energy that we may even accomplish the task of WorldWideHarmony....BEFORE 2012. How fantastic would that be!!!

I am putting more teleconference calls on the slate, they are scheduled for:

March 11th at 7 p.m. (pst)

March 20th at 6 p.m. (pst)

April 2nd at 7 p.m. (pst)

April 15th at 6 p.m. (pst)

The phone number is 712-451-6100 pin is 954681#

Creating WorldWideHarmony,

Friday, January 25, 2008

Upcoming Teleconference Q & A sessions

Hi everyone,
I have put several Q & A sessions on the calendar for those that are interested in becoming part of the WorldWideHarmony family.

These sessions are informal and open for discussion. The phone number to call into is (712) 451-6100 pin is 954681.

The times are:

Feb. 2nd 10 a.m. (pst)
Feb 11th 7 p.m. (pst)
Feb 20th 6 p.m. (pst)

I will be setting up more times in the future so always check back to see the new dates. Also, you can go to my website for more information on WorldWideHarmony and to sample the CD, Vibrational Tone Attunement.

Lauri Cloud, csh

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Our focus and direction for the next 5 years is to move from the 3rd Dimension, a limited dimension, into the 4th Dimension, unlimited in all aspects. On this journey we will discover an amazing world of unlimited abundance, love, joy and creation.

By 12-21-2012 we will be living a planetary experience of total peace and harmony. Can you just imagine how fantastic living in a world where everyone operates from a place of love for themselves and others???

It is not just a "wishful thought" is our reality. We are way beyond the vibration of destruction and are firmly set in the energy of transformation. It may take some time for our programmed behaviors and beliefs to catch up with our energy, nevertheless, it is our reality. We are moving this planet to global harmony and love.

Each of us will experience the power we have within to make this shift and transformation possible. We have available to us NOW many tools to assist us in this transition. Many of us have already experienced the concepts of quantum physics through the movies, "What the Bleep Do We Know" and "The Secret". Each of these movies show us that we have the power to change any and all of the aspects of our life that may be challenging or difficult...the beginning elements of the 4th Dimension.

Another tool of transformation which I have just recently been guided to develop is a CD which contains the 'Vibrational Tones' for each of the 12 energy centers in the body. The health and vitality benefits that have been documented by daily users of this CD are astounding. If you are interested in finding out more about this CD you can visit my website or email me at

In the 4th Dimension, we will experience Space/Time Continuum. This is the relationship of our creative process as contained within a space we have defined and using time to mold our desires and choices. The 4th Dimension is our playground, much like the halideck on the Starship Enterprise. We program in what we choose to experience and then we enter the experience as a present reality. In the 3rd Dimension, we feel as if this 'experience' is our only reality. The 4th Dimension shows us we have a bizillion realities and we can change them at any give time to re-create our chosen experience within our life called, space.

Over the next few months I will be traveling throughout the Southwest part of the United States offering free clinics. In these clinics you will experience the Vibrational Tone Attunement of your energy centers, learn the specific purpose of your 12 energy centers as you move into the 4th Dimension, we will discuss the fundamental elements of the 4th Dimension and you will experience a guided imagery exercise to create a relaxed and expanded self For more information on my travel schedule visit my website, or if you would like to schedule a free clinic, email me at

Enjoy the Harmony of your life.....we will talk soon.

Lauri Cloud, csh