Sunday, April 6, 2008



Mission Statement;
Create WorldWideHarmony™ by 12-21-2012. We are guided to assist the planet’s transition into a higher-lighter energetic vibration pattern; the 4th Dimension. In order to accomplish our mission, the following are our goals:

Manifest a multi-layered web of LIGHT, LOVE, PEACE and HARMONY to be woven around the world creating an energetic fabric facilitating the effortless vibrational shift of the entire World into the 4th Dimension.

Create Crystal Portal Conferences to be held worldwide. The purpose of these Conferences is to assist the inhabitants of each city to align with the energy of the 4th Dimension and to open a channel of LIGHT into the 6th Dimension for the purpose of manifesting a Crystal Portal to be seated firmly into the planet. As we expand this process from city to city, each Crystal Portal will interlock thus facilitating ‘THE’ vibrational shift of the entire World!

Action Steps:
1. Creation of Crystal Portal Conferences throughout the World.
a. First Conference will be held in Las Vegas, NV Sept. 27, 2008

2) Establish a network of light weavers, spiritual healers and leaders

3) Distribute the CD, Vibrational Tone Attunement, Expand into the 4th Dimension

4) Gather the core group of 50 individuals that have signed the Cosmic Agreement to create WorldWideHarmony™.